Rice addition

A small bedroom and porch addition for Jim Rice on his cottage near Millboro, VA.

final stage

The bedroom addition and exterior improvements are now complete. The remaining cabinetry has been installed and the grass seed has been planted on the newly restructured landscape. Andrew, with some help from each and every family member, saw to the construction and finishing of the cabinetry in our shop. He also completed the excavation work and sowing of the seed singlehandedly. We sincerely hope that Mr. Rice and all his guests will enjoy the cottage improvements as much as we enjoyed making them.

finishing up

Moving right along…

Once Jonathan finished with the roofing and siding, and David Lightner with the electrical work, Andrew has taken care of most everything since, with a little help from his wife and son. Willard Robinson has been the only other subcontractor on site with the expertise to sand and stain the floors.

In only a few more days, Andrew should see the installation of the wall to wall cabinet unit and deliver the bedroom addition complete.

getting started

At long last, warmer weather is finally here–and just in time to break ground on this project! Donald Kennedy is on hand for the excavation and Jonathan Ellinger is following close behind to get the framing, roofing, and siding complete.